HEPA Filters Can Help Keep You Content and Healthy
Spring is here, and that means bothersome, airborne irritants and flecks are hovering in the air (among other locations). But the health of the air you’re breathing in your the U.S. house doesn’t need to be like that. If you take adequate steps to prep your space and home comfort system, you can lower the probability of allergies and illnesses developing, and you could even reduce proximity to additional airborne molecules and dust, which will keep you healthier and happier. It all starts with a great HEPA filter.
It Could Help Prevent Illness
Can your HEPA air filter help stop you from getting sick? It depends. HEPA filters can’t protect your home from a virus. There is also no complete guarantee that any HEPA air filter will stop other afflictions, such as the flu, cold, or allergies. But a quality HEPA filter can improve your odds of staying healthy, when used with common sense best practices.
According to Center for Disease Control and Prevention studies, industrial-grade air filters are generating favorable information when it comes to limiting the spread of irritants that stay in the air. However, these systems are much more pricier than standard residential filters. HEPA filters for residential spaces also continue to improve. There are quite a few tests that have demonstrated the effectiveness of HEPA filters blocking mold spores, asbestos, odors, smoke and bacteria from your the U.S. family’s air. However, more than a few airborne illnesses or viruses are too microscopic for a HEPA filter to prevent them from moving through the air of an average home.
HEPA filters can lessen the likelihood of catching an array of illnesses linked to regular exposure to minute particles kicked up from construction and other home cleaning activities. For instance, if you’re renovating parts of your space, have a hobby prone to use lots of dirt or chemicals, or if your house is close to certain kinds of production facilities, including a HEPA filter could prevent them from moving through your home, thus helping to clean the air quality.
There are other air filtration to determine which option is best for you.
Never forget, while a HEPA filter may lessen your risk of contracting prevalent airborne illnesses, it is no replacement for correct hygiene and the advice of medical experts! Keep this information in mind as you protect your home and family.